What Is Project_IDK

First of all, thank you to anyone who has downloaded and tried my project. This has been an eye opening experience for me developing a passion project like this, when I set out to build something I definitely didn't expect it to turn into a giant project. The Idea was to keep myself from forgetting how to program, I know that my program isn't particularly efficient in the way its coded, but I do try and make sure that the mechanics work in the way I can get them to work. Later, down the line I will upload the code and if anyone has any ideas I am more than happy to listen and amend the program. I hope to not make the game too complex, I would like an emphasis on management and knowing what you are doing, it's designed to be a fairly slow progression with a small amount of snowballing into further game mechanics.

The game features;

  • Building

There is present the ability to Build structures, however first you must purchase Land from the Shop, which then has to be converted into Farmland or Residential using resources gathered from Foraging. Buildings are locked behind purchasable Blueprint Packs available in the shop, you are not able to immediately start building structures like Homes, Mines, Foresters until you have purchased the corresponding blueprint pack.

  • Foraging

Foraging allows you to gain a small amount of Materials per day, they refresh overnight and you are able to Forage again the next day. This is so that the player is able to sell a small amount of inventory to gain Wealth, with that them the player can purchase more Land and then Farmland to increase the amount that they can farm.

  • Farming

With farming currently you are able to farm both Wheat and Carrots, more coming with updates, currently working on Barley. Farming allows you to purchase Seeds from the shop and once you have Farmland you are able to plant and wait a couple of in game days for the to be harvested.

  • Tax/Rent

At the end of the day, If you have built the Town Hall, you will be charged Tax on the buildings that you own, also you will be Paid Rent by your Residents that you have housed, however if you take on too many residents, more than you can house, you will have to pay a Fine for every Homeless in your Town

  • Achievements 

Yes for some reason I implemented Achievements, they bring once obtained different Rewards, increased Sell Price for Crops and More Forgeable materials, Those are for the Player to discover. 

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