IDK_v0.00003 Released

Hello! SolidGameDev here. So it's 3AM I missed my update deadline by three hours. However, I Promised Three New crop types. Well I over delivered, you got Four. I have failed to add new Buildings in this update as I've been thinking on new Mechanics concerning some of them.

What's New 

  • Game Start Splash Screen

It was always there I just didn't activate it in the first version. You are now able to name your Character.

  • New Crops
    1. Barley (As Promised)
    2. Potato
    3. Leak
    4. Pumpkin (Bonus)
  • Achievements

I may have over-exaugurated in my last devlog. I said " I think as of writing this there are over 40 Achievements". I was wrong. However I can actually say that there is currently available 39 Achievements to collect. Some Achievements come with Bonuses when Unlocked.

  • What's Next

I'm definitely going to explore those new Buildings and their Mechanics. To give you an Idea, already present in the game is a feature to automate Wood and Stone gathering through Forestry Huts and Mines. I would like to explore more Automated features like Refinement in buildings like the Lumber Mill and Stone Mason.

Also I would like to start the Orchard Land type as well as potentially look into what it would take to implement a Garden Land type for Flowers and such alike. The thing with adding Features like the Garden type, see it seems like a fun Idea. However I need to find a reason for them to be implemented. I could implement them right now. Maybe I could use them to farm different colour Dyes, but I don't really have a need for dye at this stage in the game. There are a lot of little design choices like this that I am constantly thinking of and tweaking.     

  • Naming This Project

During downtime between development sessions I sometimes cannot stop thinking about where I want the game to go. So with this in mind I have been planning sort of long term goals that will help shape the design. It's sort of how I work. I think of something and then I aim for that and program everything I can think of to get to that goal. Because of this I have gone way, way ahead far into further chapters (Were on Chapter Two currently) and I'm thinking like Chapter Nine and whilst I was thinking about that goal, Something just hit me. Then I started thinking, it makes sense, I couldn't shake this name it just works. So I've landed on.....  DOMINION the project going forward will be known as this.

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94 days ago

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